Voice Sound Therapy

Empower the Authentic YOU with Voice Sound Therapy

Free yourself from suffering and self-doubt

Unlock Creative Expression

Enhance Communication

Heal your Soul


Your Voice, like your fingerprint is absolutely, uniquely YOU!

Your Voice is the messenger that enables you to express your heart, mind and soul in all its colours. Sound creates form – you are what you think, speak and feel!

Your Voice reflects your energetic blueprint in every moment and thus can be used as a self-healing, nurturing tool to release your emotional blocks and reprogramme wellness in a truly holistic sense.

Sound penetrates even the densest of substance and when used intentionally can transmute all dis-ease and release trauma to restore harmony. Pure sound feeds us with joy!

Listening deeply to the Sounds you are expressing, enables you to connect with the objective truth of what you are contacting. This can bring a welcome relief from the confusion created by deceptive mental chatter. It will also enhance your extra-sensory perception and intuition.

HeartSong Voice Sound Therapy Consultation

A profound 90 minute Self Development session which includes:

Deepen your understanding of the self-limiting mindsets, emotional blocks or health concerns you present with and identify where they are held in your body as pain, limitation or imbalance.

Together we will co-create powerful “I AM” healing intentions and affirmations for positive re-programming and achievement of your Heart’s desire. (See also my Life Design creative process.)

Sound and Body Work

Customised Voice-Sound techniques to meet your individual need in each session which may include:

  • Lying fully clothed to receive the ‘Sacred Fire’ Healing Sounds which I offer
  • Active Breathing and ‘BodySong’ exercises to release stuck energy and give nurturing self-love
  • Progression into your own vocalisation along with me
  • Creative Expression of Sound, Movement & Role Play to activate your inner strength and resources beyond your habitual self
  • Experiencing the Heart-centered resonance of your own Voice of Empowered Presence

Time to process, feedback and integrate your experience and insights gained from the sound healing process

Identify home practices to enhance your continued healing, self-care and self development between sessions

Dear Caroline, I would like to express my gratitude for the series of Sound Healing experiences I have had with you over the past few weeks. As well as this work being deeply healing, I also feel that you are a very gifted and compassionate healer and that what you bring to this work must add a greater depth to what I experienced. I felt so well held and safe in discussing why I had come and how the work could support me on my own personal journey. All of the sessions we have had together have been very different: – from the very passive, relaxing and deeply healing – in the truest sense after our first session I did feel like I had been ‘made whole’ – to the more active sounding work we have done – I never thought for a moment that I could have had such a voice of my own! These experiences have meant that I received healing, but also participated very actively in my own process. Not only have I experienced emotional and spiritual effects from our healing sessions, but I have also had a real elimination of physical pain from the very first time you did the sounding, and have had no recurrence of this pain to date. I have to say, I am certain that this is the work you were born to do and it has been a real blessing for me to have been a beneficiary of your gifts. Thank you!

Hi Caroline, I just want to say a huge thank you for your help and introducing me to voice sound therapy. It has been so powerful in healing me at the deepest levels. I was able to feel safe whilst vulnerable, and allow the power of sound resonance, vocalised intuitively through you, give voice to my pain so I could get out and heal what I may never have been able to put into words. This month was a much better month for me. So far after releasing and delicately confronting issues with sound healing, my usual pain from endometriosis and the other things we have been dealing with has had a big impact and has lessened my monthly pain. I found the sound healing working away for days after our sessions and I am truly grateful for the transfer of knowledge in how to apply the sound therapy outside of our appointments. I have spoken to friends and family about voice sound therapy in the hope that one day they will benefit from its unique healing power too.

Dearest Caroline, I am writing to thank you for the beautiful experience I have had over the past year I got to work with you with sound healing. My experience was so amazing, I was healed from a lot of deep hurts that I didn’t even know were still there. You made me feel safe and comfortable enough to open myself up and let the healing process begin. You are an amazingly gifted healer and I feel honoured to have you help me through some of the hardest situations in my life.

To connect with Caroline for a FREE 15 min phone consultation to see whether HeartSong Voice Sound Therapy is the best fit for you, fill out the booking form below:

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Do you feel called to train in Caroline's HeartSong Voice Sound Therapy?